If I Fail the Knowledge Test at the Ca Dmv Can I Try Again

This Practice Test
Number of questions on each practice test: 25
Question pool: 1,000+
Each test is random



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#1. Parking on a crosswalk in the middle of a block is:

Allowed, if there are no traffic lights

A. Allowed, if there are no traffic lights

Allowed, if more than 20 feet from an intersection

B. Allowed, if more than 20 feet from an intersection

Never allowed

C. Never allowed

Parking on a marked or unmarked crosswalk is never allowed.

#2. To prevent skidding on slippery surfaces, you should:

Adjust speed to road conditions

A. Adjust speed to road conditions

Turn the wheel sharply and firm at all turns

B. Turn the wheel sharply and firm at all turns

Accelerate quickly after a stop

C. Accelerate quickly after a stop

To prevent skidding on slippery surfaces drive slowly and stay farther behind the vehicle ahead of you. Slow down as you approach curves and intersections. Avoid fast turns and quick stops. Try to avoid especially slippery areas, such as ice patches, wet leaves, oil, or deep puddles.

#3. What is the meaning of this sign?


A. Hospital


B. Crossroad

Divided highway ahead

C. Divided highway ahead

Cross road or intersection. A road crosses the main highway ahead. Watch for other vehicles entering, leaving, or crossing the highway.

#4. You reach an uncontrolled intersection at the same time as a driver on your left. Who goes first?

You go first

A. You go first

The driver on your left goes first

B. The driver on your left goes first

Whoever is signaling to make a turn

C. Whoever is signaling to make a turn

Yield to the vehicle that arrives first, or to the vehicle on your right if it reaches the intersection at the same time as you.

#5. A passenger vehicle, regardless of weight, may tow:

No more than one vehicle

A. No more than one vehicle

No more than two vehicles

B. No more than two vehicles

No vehicle

C. No vehicle

A passenger vehicle, regardless of weight, may not tow more than one vehicle.

#6. You are over 21 and have been drinking at a party. On your way home, you are stopped by an officer. To be arrested and convicted of DUI your BAC level:

Can be lower than 0.08 percent

A. Can be lower than 0.08 percent

Must be at least 0.08 percent

B. Must be at least 0.08 percent

Must be higher than 0.08 percent

C. Must be higher than 0.08 percent

A BAC below legal limits does not mean that you are safe to drive. Almost all drivers show impairment by alcohol at levels lower than the legal limit. The impairment you exhibit at the time you are stopped may be enough to convict you of a DUI even without a BAC measurement.

#7. If there are animals or livestock standing near the roadway:

Slow down and use caution

A. Slow down and use caution

Keep speed and blast your horn

B. Keep speed and blast your horn

Swerve into another lane to avoid the animal

C. Swerve into another lane to avoid the animal

If you see animals or livestock near the roadway, slow down and proceed with caution. Be aware of sudden movements from the animals as they are unpredictable and may run into the roadway.

#8. Which car or cars are best positioned for a right turn on this one-way street?

The car in the extreme right lane (marked A)

A. The car in the extreme right lane (marked A)

The car in the extreme left lane (marked D)

B. The car in the extreme left lane (marked D)

Any of the cars in the two upper lanes (marked A and B).

C. Any of the cars in the two upper lanes (marked A and B).

To make a right turn, drive close to the right edge of the road. Do not turn wide into another lane. Complete your turn in the right lane.

#9. What is most important when you adjust to a safe speed?

Presence of law enforcement

A. Presence of law enforcement

Things like visibility, traffic, and road condition

B. Things like visibility, traffic, and road condition

Posted speed limit signs

C. Posted speed limit signs

Posted speed limits do not tell you at what speed to drive.

Regardless of the posted speed limit, your speed should depend on:

  • The number and speed of other vehicles on the road.
  • Whether the road surface is smooth, rough, graveled, wet, dry, wide, or narrow.
  • Bicyclists or pedestrians walking on the road's edge or crossing the street.
  • Whether it is raining, foggy, snowing, windy, or dusty.

#10. This red and white sign means:

You must always come to a full stop

A. You must always come to a full stop

You must give the right-of-way to other vehicles

B. You must give the right-of-way to other vehicles

Other vehicles must give the right-of-way to you

C. Other vehicles must give the right-of-way to you

This is a yield sign.

Three-sided red yield signs mean you must slow down and be ready to stop, if necessary, to let any vehicle, bicyclist, or pedestrian pass before you proceed.

#11. On dark city streets with no other traffic, you should turn on:

High-beam headlights

A. High-beam headlights

Parking lights

B. Parking lights

Low-beam headlights

C. Low-beam headlights

Use your high beam headlights whenever possible in open country or dark city streets if it is not illegal.

Make sure you do not blind other drivers with your high beam headlights. Dim your lights when necessary.

#12. After a train has passed at a railroad crossing with more than one track, you should:

Wait until you can see clearly in both directions

A. Wait until you can see clearly in both directions

Move forward as soon as the train passes

B. Move forward as soon as the train passes

Pass the first track and stop before crossing the second

C. Pass the first track and stop before crossing the second

Expect a train on any track at any time traveling in either direction. At crossings with more than one track, wait until a passing train has cleared the area before starting to cross. Do not proceed across the tracks until you can see clearly in both directions and are sure there are no train coming on another track.

#13. If you miss your exit when leaving a freeway, you should:

Pull off to the right, and then back up on the shoulder

A. Pull off to the right, and then back up on the shoulder

Stop and wait until you can back up

B. Stop and wait until you can back up

Take the next exit

C. Take the next exit

If you miss your exit, take the next one.

#14. If you are being followed closely or tailgated, it can be dangerous to:

When passing is possible, slowly reduce speed

A. When passing is possible, slowly reduce speed

Move over to the right

B. Move over to the right

Brake suddenly or reduce the following distance to any vehicle ahead

C. Brake suddenly or reduce the following distance to any vehicle ahead

If you are being tailgated, be careful! Remember to allow extra room ahead and not to brake suddenly.

#15. You are following a large vehicle. It approaches an intersection and signals left but moves out to the right. What is the best thing to do?

Stay well back and give it room

A. Stay well back and give it room

Assume the signal is wrong and it is really turning right

B. Assume the signal is wrong and it is really turning right

Pass quickly as it starts to slow down

C. Pass quickly as it starts to slow down

Truck drivers must often swing wide to complete a right turn.

When you follow a big rig, look at its turn signals before you start to pass. If the truck appears to be turning left, check the turn signals again – the driver may be turning right but first swinging wide.

#16. If bad weather makes it hard for you to see ahead, your following distance should be:

Closer than normal to the car ahead

A. Closer than normal to the car ahead

The same as under normal conditions

B. The same as under normal conditions

Farther than normal from the car ahead

C. Farther than normal from the car ahead

Increase your following interval when it is hard to see ahead because of darkness or bad weather. You must always be prepared to stop within the space you can see ahead.

#17. You approach a stopped school bus on your side of an undivided highway with four lanes. The bus is displaying alternating flashing red lights. In this situation, you must:


A. Stop

Slow down and proceed with caution

B. Slow down and proceed with caution

Pass as quickly as possible

C. Pass as quickly as possible

When the bus flashes red lights (located at the top front and back of the bus), you must stop from either direction until the children are safely across the street and the lights stop flashing. The law requires you remain stopped if the red lights are flashing.

Drivers on the other side of a divided highway are not required to stop.

#18. You should adjust your rearview and side mirrors:

Before you start driving

A. Before you start driving

Before you get into your vehicle

B. Before you get into your vehicle

After you start driving

C. After you start driving

Adjust your rear and side mirrors before you start driving. If your vehicle has a day/night mirror, learn how to use it. The night setting reduces the headlight glare from the cars behind you and helps you see well.

#19. Slowing down just to look at accidents, road construction, or broken down vehicles by the side of the road:

Can cause traffic congestion

A. Can cause traffic congestion

Improves traffic flow

B. Improves traffic flow

Helps prevent rear-end collisions

C. Helps prevent rear-end collisions

Avoid slowing down to look at collisions or virtually anything else out of the ordinary. It can cause traffic congestion.

Small changes in your driving habits can help relieve chronic traffic congestion, according to the California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS).

#20. What does this sign mean?

Divided highway ends

A. Divided highway ends

Cross road ahead

B. Cross road ahead

Side road ahead

C. Side road ahead

Divided highway ends.

The divided road ends ahead. Two-way traffic will no longer be divided by a center island. You will be on an undivided roadway with two-way traffic. Keep to the right.

#21. If you have entered an intersection to make a turn, and the signal turns to red, you should:

Back up

A. Back up

Stay where you are until the light turns green

B. Stay where you are until the light turns green

Complete the turn when safe

C. Complete the turn when safe

Clear the intersection as soon as it is safe to do so. Do not back up.

#22. What does this sign tell you?

All traffic must turn left at the intersection

A. All traffic must turn left at the intersection

Cross traffic travels to the left only

B. Cross traffic travels to the left only

Left turn lane ahead

C. Left turn lane ahead

The one-way sign is used to indicate streets or roadways upon which traffic can travel in one direction only. Do not turn against the arrow.

The sign is placed parallel to the one-way street at all alleys and roadways that intersect one-way roadways. Unless placed at a T-intersection, the sign does not indicate that turning is needed.

#23. You are on a freeway. If you are driving in a lane marked with large broken lines on your left, you should:

Slow down and stop ahead

A. Slow down and stop ahead

Be prepared to change lanes

B. Be prepared to change lanes

Be prepared to exit the freeway ahead

C. Be prepared to exit the freeway ahead

Freeway lanes, as well as some city street lanes, which are ending will usually be marked by large broken lines painted on the pavement. If you are driving in a lane marked with these broken lines, be prepared to exit the freeway or for the lane to end. Look for a sign that tells you to exit or merge.

#24. When there is a heavy rainstorm or heavy fog:

Use your high beam headlights for maximum visibility

A. Use your high beam headlights for maximum visibility

If possible, do not drive until conditions improve

B. If possible, do not drive until conditions improve

Drive with your parking lights turned on

C. Drive with your parking lights turned on

The best advice for driving in a heavy rainstorm or fog is don't!

You should consider postponing your trip until the fog/rain clears. However, if you must drive, then drive slowly, turn on your windshield wipers, and use your low beam headlights.

If a heavy rainstorm or fog becomes so thick that you can barely see, consider pulling off the roadway, activating your emergency signal lights, and waiting until the weather improves before continuing.

Turn off your lights or someone may see your taillights and drive into you.

#25. How can you avoid letting your cell phone distract you while driving?

Hold the phone in your left hand

A. Hold the phone in your left hand

Activate the voicemail feature

B. Activate the voicemail feature

Use the phone for text messaging only

C. Use the phone for text messaging only

Minimize distractions. Focus on safe driving practices. If your cell phone rings, do not answer it. Let the call go to voicemail if you have this feature. If you must answer or make a call, pull safely off the road, and stop. Do not use your cell phone during hazardous conditions or engage in distracting conversations.

California DMV Knowledge Test – Quick Facts

What You Should Know
Number of questions on exam: 46 – if under 18 years
36 – if 18 years and older
18 – renewal test
Correct answers to pass: 36 – if under 18 years
30 – if 18 years and older
15 – renewal test
Passing score: 83 percent
Allotted time to complete test: No limit
Wait time before retest: 7 days (3 attempts within 12 months)

Practice Permit Test & Driver License Test

The best way to study for your permit or full driver license test is to use both the Driver Handbook and these permit practice tests!

Make sure you get the latest version of the handbook and read it. Pay special attention to rules and laws that are specific for California .

Use the practice tests to verify what you have learned and if you are ready or not. Take enough sample tests at Driver's Prep to make sure you can reach the perfect score of 100%. This way we can almost guarantee that you will pass the official exam.

Student taking practice tests

Each CA DMV practice test has 25 random questions based on the handbook and real questions from California DMV (dmv.ca.gov ). After every question on the practice test, you will get instant feedback with a brief explanation if your answer is incorrect.

The number of questions on the real California written test depends on your age and which test you take. If you are under 18 years, the permit test has 46 questions.

The passing score on the real DMV examination is 83 percent. On a permit test with 46 questions, this means you can only miss 10 questions. If you are 18 years or older, you can only miss 6 questions.

We help you to pass your DMV exam

Who Must Take the California Written Knowledge Test

You must always take a knowledge test, vision test, and road test when you apply for an original California driver license or upgrade to a different class of driver license.

If you have a license from another state, DMV will usually waive both the knowledge test and the road test.

After a license revocation, you must apply for a new license and re-take all necessary tests, including the knowledge test.

Holders of a driver's license from a country other than Canada must also take all tests. California does not waive the knowledge test if you move to California from another country.

Computerized Tests with Touch Screens

Previously, you got the DMV knowledge test on paper. Today, you take the test on a computer with a touch screen. Instead of marking the correct answer with an "X", the applicant now just taps the correct answer on a screen.

The new computer version has randomized questions just like our practice test, which means that no two tests are the same. The computer tests are available in several languages:

  • Arabic
  • Armenian
  • Chinese
  • English
  • Farsi
  • Hindi
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Punjabi
  • Russian
  • Spanish
  • Tagalog
  • Vietnamese

Computer tests speed up the exam process, but it is also a lot easier to misread and make a hasty decision. So, take your time and read everything carefully.

Read more about studying for your exam: How to Ace the DMV test.

Do Not Cheat!

Remember, the use of any testing aids is strictly prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, the use of cell phones, cheat sheets, and the California Driver Handbook. If you use any aid during the written test, you will fail. An action may also be taken by the DMV against your driving privilege or the driving privilege of anyone else who assists you in the examination process.

Make an Appointment?

When you are ready for your test, make an appointment online at www.dmv.ca.gov or call during normal business hours.

To make sure you have all necessary documents for your permit application, you should follow the REAL-ID checklist online at dmv.ca.gov

You should have the following documents:

    ONE identity document that show full name and date of birth

You will typically bring the original or a certified copy of your U.S birth certificate, a valid and unexpired U.S. passport or passport card, or your unexpired permanent resident card.

    ONE original document that shows your name and full Social Security Number

It is best to bring your social security card, but a W-2 form or a pay stub with full SSN is also accepted by DMV.

    TWO Proofs of California Residency

You must provide two documents that show your first and last name together with your current mailing address. Examples of accepted documents are your rental agreement or mortgage bill, bank or credit card statements, your tax return, employment documents, or insurance documents.

A child may use a residency document in their parents' name by presenting a tracing document (such as a birth certificate) showing the relationship.

After the California DMV Knowledge Test

If you pass the written knowledge test, California DMV issues a provisional permit (learner's permit).

Once you have your permit, you may practice driving supervised by a parent, spouse, legal guardian, or certified driving instructor. You may also practice driving with any licensed California driver 25 years of age or older.

To learn more about California's graduated driver license process, read this article: What is California Graduated Driver's License ?

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Source: https://driversprep.com/california/

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